Eneraque: NZ’s first biogas to pipeline project on track.

We’re playing an integral part in the future of gas in New Zealand. Eneraque is currently building a state of the art Biogas Upgrading System that will upgrade biogas from waste into pipeline quality Biomethane for injection into the New Zealand gas grid for Firstgas, New Zealand’s largest gas network provider. 

This Compressor forms an essential part of the biogas to biomethane upgrading process, taking biogas from anaerobic digesters, and increasing the pressure to feed the gas into on-site power generation systems or for injection into the main gas grid. When complete, the Biogas Upgrader will have an installed capacity to treat a flow of up to 1500 Nm3/hr.

This project is the second region-first biogas to biomethane grid injection project for Eneraque. The Malabar Biomethane Project is predicted to reduce carbon emissions by as much as 5000 tonnes per year, equivalent to taking nearly 4000 cars off the road.

This Australian first biomethane upgrader is sized for 1100Nm3/hr of biogas to the inlet prior to separating the CO2 and CH4 with a patented 3-stage membrane system. It involves upgrading biogas (1,100 Nm3/hour) produced by existing anaerobic digestion infrastructure at Malabar WWTP to Biomethane, a renewable pipeline compliant gas. The Biomethane is then injected into the Jemena Gas Network for distribution to thousands of Sydney homes where it is to be used for cooking, heating and hot water.