The Eneraque Group underwent its 1st Annual Routine Surveillance audit by its external auditors Bureau Veritas in January 2014 in the following three disciplines:

  • Quality Assurance (AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008)
  • Environmental Management systems (AS/NZS  ISO 14001: 2004)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (AS/NZS 4801:2001).

We are very proud to advise that for all three standards the Certifications were re-granted, there were no major nonconformities, one minor and eight observations. This is a testament to the Group’s commitment to ensuring that as a minimum we meet and where practical exceed these International standards.

This result ties in with the Group’s vision statement to develop world class products and to ensure continuous improvement across the Group by ensuring that every task is executed with personal and corporate integrity, environmental responsibility and zero harm.